3rd Higher Education Institutions Conference was held in Dubrovnik from May 7 – 8. The topic that gathered rectors, deans, associate deans, directors, key players and decision-makers in the field of higher education, professors, international offices was ‘Leadership in the Global Context’.
The conference was organized in collaboration with the Agency for Science and Higher Education (ASHE) and the support of AASCB International. At the AACSB Workshop held by Kjell R. Knudsen, PhD, Dean Emeritus, Labovitz School of Business and Economics University of Minnesota Duluth, USA and Timothy S. Mescon, PhD, Senior Vice President and Chief Officer for Europe, the Middle East and Africa for AACSB International participants could find out the latest information on how to get or renew AACSB accreditation.
PLENARY I: “Global Leadership in Higher Education” was presented by Dr Peter Lorange, Owner and the President of the Lorange Institute of Business, Switzerland, Gintaras Steponavičius, MA, Former Lithuanian Minister of Education and Science, Lithuania and Zoran Barac, PhD, Managing Director, Zagreb School of Economics and Management, Croatia.
PLENARY II: “Globalization of Higher Education” was presented by Sue Cox, PhD, OBE, Dean, Lancaster University Management School, Academic Vice-President, EFMD.
In panel discussion participated Kjell R. Knudsen, PhD, Dean Emeritus, Labovitz School of Business and Economics University of Minnesota Duluth, USA, Ulrich Hommel, PhD, Director of Research & Surveys at the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD), Dag Morten Dalen, PhD, Provost, BI Norwegian Business School, Norway, Đuro Njavro, PhD, Dean, Zagreb School of Economics and Management, Croatia with Marin Njavro, MA, Managing director of the Luxembourg School of Business, Luxembourg as a moderator.
PLENARY III: “Quality in the Global Context” was presented by Ulrich Hommel, PhD, Director of Research & Surveys at the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) and Vesna Dodiković-Jurković, PhD, Vice Director, Agency for Science and Higher Education, Croatia
PLENARY IV: “Global Demographics and Labor Markets” was presented by Lucilla Tealdi, MA, Director of the Master in Corporate Finance (MCF) and Professor of Corporate Finance at Bocconi University, Milan, Italy and Dr Thomas L. Baker, Associate Professor of Marketing at the University of Alabama, USA.
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