10th HEIC successfully held in Dubrovnik!
The 10th HEIC was recently held in Dubrovnik, Croatia and we are nothing but proud. HEIC provides a great space for making international connections as well as expanding one’s knowledge and skill set, as most of the attendees are professionals with highly relevant international experience.
The 10th Higher Education Institutions Conference was held with more than 40 participants from 10 countries from all over the world. We are thankful for this year’s keynote speakers Robert Kennedy, PhD, Zvonimir Ratkovski, CFA, Romana Stanciukaite, MSc, and Monika Blodgett, MA. Furthermore, many thanks to all of our moderators, panelists, paper presenters as well as participants for their scientific contribution to rethinking and advancing the higher education system. A big thank you to the sponsors, AACSB International, ASHE, Market Publishers, and Case Centre for supporting and recognizing the importance of HEIC.
The first day was officially opened by Mato Njavro, PhD, Dean of Zagreb School of Economics and Management. We continued with our first keynote speaker Monika Blodgett, MA, and then went on to the AACSB Workshop held by Natalia Ilina, MSc. Special thanks to Ms. Ilina for the workshop, as AACSB International is the longest-serving global accrediting body for business schools that offer undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral degrees in business and accounting. At noon we listened to our panel of the day, moderated by Zoran Barac, PhD with the panelists Vesna Dodiković-Jurković, PhD and Stefan Baldi, PhD who spoke on the topic of “Higher Education Quality Methods and Policies”. After lunch, Shab Hundal, PhD, Goran Oblaković, PhD and Julia Voegele, MA presented their papers, after which we had our last keynote speaker of the day, Boris Debić, MSc with whom we closed the first day of the conference.
The second day started with our first keynote speaker, Robert Kennedy, PhD and we continued right away to our first panel of the day on the topic of “Sustainability in Higher Education System”, moderated by Mato Njavro, PhD with the panelists Iva Vukina, M.Eng., Dolly Predović, PhD and Robert Kennedy, PhD. The second panel of the day was moderated by Dubravka Kovačević, PhD with the panelists were Konstantina Tsigkou, PhD and Adrian Solomon, PhD speaking on the topic “EIT HEI”. Continuing, our second keynote speakers of the day were Zvonimir Ratkovski, CFA and Romana Stanciukaite, MSc, and the same as the previous day, after lunch we heard three paper presentations from Claude Cellich, Dubravko Sabolić, and Dina Vasić, MBA, and with that, we closed the HEIC 2022. Once again we thank all speakers and participants for their effort and interest in this conference.